by capital | Jul 16, 2018 | 2
This article published by The Open Review of Management, Banking and Finance explores whether better information disclosure would improve outcomes for the counterparties of derivative transactions. Derivatives have two principal roles: hedging and speculation however...
by capital | Apr 16, 2018 | 3
Martin Berkeley of the founder of Corvinus Capital, recently authored a paper entitled ‘The Banker’s duties in the UK and EU regulatory framework: an analysis of the accountability regime’ The paper examines the utility and effectiveness of enforcing banker’s...
by capital | Jan 16, 2018 | 1
The founder of Corvinus Capital, Martin Berkeley, recently coauthored with Dr Andrea Miglionico of University of Reading Law School a paper titled: ‘Rules-based vs. principles-based regulation in the UK banking sector. Does Brexit matter?’ The article...
by capital | Oct 16, 2017 | 2
Martin Berkeley, the founder of Corvinus Capital, delivered the guest lecture on the Legal Aspects of Financial Regulation course on the University of Reading’s highly acclaimed LLM course to a class of international lawyers. The title of the lecture was...
by capital | Apr 16, 2017 | 3
What did you consent to? Have you any idea? Did you read the terms and conditions or just sign? Maybe you just clicked the ‘agree’ button. Did you at least save or download the terms and conditions to read later? Maybe not. Don’t worry you’re not alone. Most of us...
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